8th Math |
Click "Math" link above for grading and consequence charts.
Sign in at the link below for At Home and At School assignments:
Sign in at the link below for At Home and At School assignments:
Sign in instructions:
User Name = See Mr. Medina
Password = w _ _ _ _ _ _ _
("w" followed by your 7 digit student I.D., no spaces)
User Name = See Mr. Medina
Password = w _ _ _ _ _ _ _
("w" followed by your 7 digit student I.D., no spaces)
At Home Assignments:
Sign in at PearsonSuccessnet.com Click "Student Center" Select the correct lesson in the contents tab Click "Learning Panel" 1) On your worksheet, copy any vocabulary definitions found in today's lesson. 2) Expand the menu by clicking the arrow, watch the video lesson(s) found at the bottom of the "Learn" column. 3) On your worksheet, fill-in-the-blanks in the examples. If you do not understand, re-watch the video(s) or refer to your online textbook. 4) On your worksheet, complete the practice problems. The "Lesson" homework needs to be completed before coming to class Chapter Projects:
Click the button below for this chapter's project. Chapter projects are due on the day of the Chapter Test. Extra Practice:
Click the button below for Extra Practice. |
At School Assignments:
1) Turn in your "Lesson" homework 2) Complete your lesson worksheet for the day 3) Have Mr. Medina check your assignment before you leave class 4) Complete the IXL assignment for today's lesson 5) Continue working on MobyMax assignments for this chapter Enrichment Assignments:
When you finish your At School and At Home assignments, you need to work on MobyMax. MobyMax tracks your overall math knowledge and allows you to work at your own pace to master missing math skills. (Username and Password are the same as Pearson) Click the button below for MobyMax: When you finish your At School and At Home assignments, you may be asked to work on IXL. IXL provides practice in specific skills. Your teacher may assign IXL lessons to you for extra pratice.
IXL username = See Mr. Medina IXL password = w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ("w" followed by your user I.D.) Click the button below for IXL: |