You are going to create your own Amazing Thanksgiving story. Go to http://www.eduplace.com/tales/content/wwt_017.html to begin your story. Fill in the blanks with words that fit. **Remember that “singular” means one, and “past tense” is something that has already happened.** After you fill in the blanks, click on “See Your Wacky Web Tale.” Write your Wacky Web Tale in your notbook. TASK 2 Thanksgiving is tomorrow! You still need to buy a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. You go to the store to find a turkey that weighs at least 200 ounces. The turkey you find weighs fifteen pounds. How many ounces are in a pound? How many ounces does the turkey weigh? Go to http://www.cleavebooks.co.uk/scol/cclboz.htm if you need help converting the measurements. Type the number of pounds in the first blank next to the word “pounds.” Then, click on the “[Calculate It]” button. Is the fifteen pound turkey at least 200 ounces? Record your answers in your notebook. TASK 3 The turkey costs ten cents per ounce. How much does the turkey cost? You get in line to buy the turkey and realize you only have twenty-five dollars in your wallet. Do you have enough money? You can use the online calculator at http://www.online-calculator.com/ to help you find the answer. TASK 4 Next, you are going to share your pies. Go to http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/maths/fractions/index.htm to play a fraction game. Click, "Enter Activities". You are finished with this week's webquest when you have completed levels 1& 2. |