In groups of two, you and your partner agent will work together to investigate the symbols of our country.
Each of you, as government detectives, will have different clues to investigate. You will then be able to come together and compare your findings.
Each of you, as government detectives, will have different clues to investigate. You will then be able to come together and compare your findings.
TASK 1: "Put Your heads to Work"
You and your partner agent need to find a spot in the room to put your heads together and investigate. Look around you, the best place to start looking for clues is right in front of you. Is there anything around you right now that could be a clue as to what country we live in? In your notebook, write "TASK 1" and write the name of the country you live in. Then, write the clue that helped you figure that out. TASK 2: "Reading Leads to Discovery" Together you will read the story "Me on the Map" by Joan Sweeny. It will also help you to discover what country we live in. In your notebook, write "TASK 2" and write the name of the State where the girl in the story lives. Click the video on the right to watch the story. Me on the Map TASK 3: "What are Symbols?" You and your partner need to click the link below and watch this Brain Bop Jr. video and learn what a symbol is. This will help you to understand and recognize the symbols of our country. In your notebook, write "TASK 3" and write the name of 5 symbols of the United States of America talked about in the video. If the video does not work, define the word "symbol" and list 5 symbols of the United States from the internet. What are Symbols? TASK 4: "Know Your Roles" Decide together which one of you will be "Agent 1" and "Agent 2". These roles will help to determine which clues you are going to be investigating. In your notebook, write "TASK 4" and tell me who is Agent 1 and who is Agent 2. TASK 5: "Investigate" Begin investigating! Choose which agent will look up which symbols. Use the list of clues below to help with your investigation. Remember, click on only the clues for you. If you are "Agent 1" then you should only click on the clues under that title. If you are "Agent 2" then you should only click on the clues under that title. This will help you get the most out of teamwork. In your notebook, write "TASK 5". Write the name of each symbol you are investigating and explain what each symbol means. Use complete sentences. Clues to Investigate for "Agent 1" Symbols American Flag Great Seal Liberty Bell Bald Eagle Statue of Liberty Clues to Investigate for "Agent 2" Symbols American Flag Great Seal Liberty Bell Bald Eagle Statue of Liberty TASK 6: "Decide Together" Come together as a team, and decide which one of the symbols of our country is your favorite. If you have a hard time deciding, think about which symbol you have both learned the most about. In your notebook, write "TASK 6" and tell which symbol is your favorite. TASK 7: "Create your Poster" Using a piece of white paper and colored pencils, create a poster about your symbol for the class. Your poster should include pictures of the symbol, the name of the symbol, as well as facts or reasons why this symbol represents our country. Your poster should also include the name of the country in which we live. Turn your poster into me along with your project. Please write your name and your partner's name on the poster. |